lundi 15 septembre 2008

lon lon time!

Hi everyone!
it's been quite long i didn't write but i have few sentences to say.
Norwegian students went home for the week-end since thursday afternoon. We were so quiet for the super this day!
On friday, we had our presentations and cooking class, the muffins were so mmmmmmmmmmmm!
I had also two sleepless nights, but on the second one i did my duty so it was nice! We visited Mandal Bymuseum med Ole Asbjørne on saturday, it was amazing to see things that are more than 100years old, i just can't imagine myself that old, i think i will just be laying in my bed! And we had that søt baby Jacob!
Today, we visited NMS headoffice in stavanger, it was exciting both the visit but also to see our friends after three days and half. Oh yes the short sermon after lunsj. The museum in Misjonhøgskolen, many things from many countries around the world, the richraw from madagascar, the kjempe egg, the "lakana" and many other nice things.
Jeg også læret nye orden : "er du klar til dra på Madagascar?) a question to Jan Joseph.
å jokse
Jeg tror det er alle for i dag.

jeudi 4 septembre 2008

New day!

Vi har kurs på norsk, vi låret mange ord.
Sorry for the mistakes :-) i just try to practise. Today i learnt some sentences during the lunch time, and i just think norsk er veldig vanskelig! so many ways to do with your lips to pronounce the word in the good way, the norwegians have many dialects that sometimes i say it in one dialect and it just changes in another one so i'm somehow lost. I made a challenge to know norwegian after my year but which dialect? i just duno!
Anyway, i'll keep holding on!

Sees i morgen!

mercredi 3 septembre 2008

Hald Internasjonale Senter

Velkommen til Hald Internasjonale Senter!

I guess you understand this sentence. When we left home, we were told that we will eat bread all the time but i didn't know that it will be that "all the time" : twice a day, bread! nei nei nei lol!

I think i should thank God i have enough food, more than enough! there are some people, many people in this world starving, or just don't eat when they are hungry and i still find time to complain because i can eat!

Well, life at Hald is easy, not stressing, classes are relaxing! break every 45min! just amazing!

Day is long but since it's long it's not enough. There are so many things I want to do that I plan to do and those I have to do but even if I sleep in the early morning, still i'm not satisfied.Next day the same.

Some words i know?

Of course, the first day we had Velkommen! then god morgen, tusend takk, nei, ja, hva heter du?

finally, i think i have enough words for today, but here is a song i really love, we sang it the first time we went to church i Mandal.

"Ingen på jorden er himlen så nær som barnet han tar i sin favn"

Jeg snakke ikke mye norsk men jeg lårer!


my first blog

hello everyone