who is adala be? it's me and my teammate. I've just realized those last few days that we have so much fun together, her and I. It's amazing, we don't have many friends here in Oslo, we don't go to places where normal people have fun but we can have fun together thank God. Days are not long enough for us. Most of time we laugh at the stupid things we do or say. I've also realized that we almost spend all our time together except from when we sleep. But we spend almost all day long both of us, in the cold waiting busses, tricks or undergrounds. Slip-slidding on the ice in the streets of oslo. Now even, we are still together in her room, each of us doing what we do.
The most exciting i had this week was the gym club on thursday evening. Of course it's not like jogging in my country, in the fresh air without machines, but it's ok i can sweat.
Last friday, we went to Tomter in Østfold for the NMS julefest. I noticed that most of the meetings we are attending are with elder people. Most of time we are the only young people in the meeting but it's unbelievable how great are the works those old people do.
Saturday, i went back to the training senter but there was a fire, they were closed. But today, we went to a farm where they usually have traditional norwegian jule stuffs. There was so many things to see from horses
(me talking to the horse. He said i have to work hun!)
to vaffles through to vaffles through ullklær,
and in this picture they were exactly dancing!
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